Today, October 6th, is World Cerebral Palsy Day.

Did you know that if you put all 17 million of us together, we’d make up almost the entire population of the Netherlands? Imagine … what would it be like if we all just started our own country together? (We’d allow people without CP to live there too, of course—we love inclusion!) What a beautifully accessible place that would be. I’m imagining a utopia of curb cuts and perfectly placed handrails—always with working elevators as an alternative to stairs, of course. And I’d vote to make escalators illegal in this great nation of ours. Kidding, sort of.

For most of my life, I have thought of my CP as something I needed to fight and rise above—not as something to celebrate.

But now, I ask … what if we choose instead to love this part of who we are? What if we choose to work with our disability instead of working against it—to explore what it has given us instead of focusing solely on what it has taken from us?

I’ll leave you with this message I shared on CP Day a few years ago:

Today, I am celebrating my CP family and all the people in my life who love me just the way I am.

Sometimes people tell me that after they’ve gotten to know me, they forget I have CP. I appreciate their intentions, but here’s the thing:

I love when you remember.

It means everything to me when we’re walking together and you match your pace with mine … when you lend a hand as we approach a curb … when you ask questions (respectfully) because you’re curious about how CP affects me.

I am so much more than my CP, but it is an incurable—and beautiful—part of who I am.

And when you remember,
I know you see that too.

An image with the words "Sometimes the beginnings we wouldn't have wished for become the beginnings we wouldn't wish away." 

There's a green CP awareness ribbon behind the words, and above and below are photographs from the author's childhood.